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Executive Summary. 1

1....... Introduction. 1

1.1        Background. 1

1.2        Scope of the EM&A Report 1

1.3        Organisation Structure. 1

1.4        Summary of Construction Activities. 2

1.5        Summary of EM&A Programme Requirements. 2

1.6        Status of Other Statutory Environmental Requirements. 4

2....... EM&A Results. 5

2.1        Environmental Site Inspection. 5

2.2        Waste Management Status. 5

2.3        Post-Construction Monitoring. 7

2.4        Records of Operating Speeds and Marine Travel Routes of Working Vessels. 7

2.5        Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures. 8

2.6        Summary of Exceedances of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit 8

2.7        Summary of Environmental Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions. 8

3....... Forecast for Operation Phase. 9

3.1        Works Programme for Operation Phase. 9

4....... Conclusion and Recommendations. 10


Annex A         Project Organisation

Annex B         Construction Programme

Annex C         Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS)

Annex D         Status of Statutory Environmental Requirements

Annex E         Waste Management Checklist

Annex F         Waste Flow Table

Annex G         Cumulative Statistics on Exceedances, Environmental Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

Annex H         Post Construction Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Period

Annex I          Tentative Post Construction / Operation Monitoring Schedule for July 2023

Annex J         Records of Operating Speeds and Marine Travel Routes of Working Vessels


List of Tables

Table 1.1        Contact Information of Key Personnel 2

Table 1.2        Major Construction Activities Undertaken in the Reporting Period. 2

Table 1.3        Summary of Status for the EM&A Programme under the Updated EM&A Manual 3

Table 2.1        Quantities of Waste Generated and Dredged Marine Sediment for FEP-02/558/2018/A  6

Table 2.2        Quantities of Waste Generated and Dredged Marine Sediment for FEP-03/558/2018/B  7


List of Figures

Figure 1.1       Indicative Location of Key Project Components

Figure 1.2      Location and Works Area of GRS at BPPS

Figure 1.3      Location and Works Area of GRS at LPS


Executive Summary

To support the increased use of natural gas in Hong Kong from 2020 onwards, Castle Peak Power Company Limited (CAPCO) and The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd. (HK Electric) have identified that the development of an offshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving terminal in Hong Kong using Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) technology (‘the Project’) presents a viable additional gas supply option that will provide energy security through access to competitive gas supplies from world markets.  The Project will involve the construction and operation of an offshore LNG import facility to be located in the southern waters of Hong Kong, a double berth jetty, and subsea pipelines that connect to the gas receiving stations (GRS) at the Black Point Power Station (BPPS) and the Lamma Power Station (LPS).  To demarcate the works between different parties, the following Further Environmental Permits (FEPs) were issued for the Project:

§   the double berth jetty at LNG Terminal under the Hong Kong LNG Terminal Limited (HKLTL), joint venture between CAPCO and HK Electric (FEP-01/558/2018/A) – construction commenced on 27 November 2020;

§   the subsea gas pipeline for the BPPS and the associated GRS in the BPPS under CAPCO (FEP-03/558/2018/B) – construction commenced on 23 September 2020; and

§   the subsea gas pipeline for the LPS and the associated GRS in the LPS under HK Electric (FEP-02/558/2018/A) – construction commenced on 13 December 2020.

The construction of the Project was completed on 27 June 2023.  This is the Monthly EM&A Report presenting the EM&A works carried out for the construction phase during the period from 1 to 27 June 2023 for the Project in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual.  A summary of monitoring and audit activities conducted in the reporting period is listed below:


Number of Sessions

For FEP-01/558/2018/A

Environmental Site Inspection


Environmental auditing works, including regular site inspection of construction works conducted by the Environmental Team (ET), audit of implementation of Waste Management Plan, and review of the acceptability of operating speeds and marine travel routes of working vessels, checking of compliance with the approval conditions given by the Director of Environmental Protection for the entry of working vessels within marine parks in pursuant to Condition 3.1 of FEP-01/558/2018/A, Condition 3.4 of FEP-02/558/2018/A and Condition 3.4 of FEP-03/558/2018/B, were conducted in the reporting period, as appropriate.   No non-compliance of environmental statutory requirements was identified.

Breaches of Action and Limit Levels

Since construction phase marine water quality monitoring was completed in October 2022, there were no breaches of Action and Limit Levels for the BPPS Pipeline and LPS Pipeline in the reporting period.

Since construction phase marine mammal monitoring was completed in November 2021, there were no breaches of Action and Limit Levels for marine mammal monitoring in the reporting period.

Environmental Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution

There were no environmental complaints, notification of summons and successful prosecutions recorded in the reporting period.

Reporting Changes

There were no reporting changes in the reporting period.

Forecast for Operation Phase

The commencement of operation of the Project is on 3 July 2023.  The potential environmental impacts during operation are mainly associated with seawater and effluent discharges associated with the LNG Terminal operation.  Operation phase water quality monitoring exercise will be carried out for one year at a frequency of once per week.  The monitoring results will be presented in the water quality monitoring reports for the first year of operation of the LNG Terminal to be prepared every quarter and at the end of the first year of operation of the LNG Terminal.

1.              Introduction

1.1           Background

To support the increased use of natural gas in Hong Kong from 2020 onwards, Castle Peak Power Company Limited (CAPCO) and The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd. (HK Electric) have identified that the development of an offshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving terminal in Hong Kong using Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) technology (‘the Project’) presents a viable additional gas supply option that will provide energy security through access to competitive gas supplies from world markets.  The Project will involve the construction and operation of an offshore LNG import facility to be located in the southern waters of Hong Kong, a double berth jetty, and subsea pipelines that connect to the gas receiving stations (GRS) at the Black Point Power Station (BPPS) and the Lamma Power Station (LPS).

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for the Project was submitted to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) of the HKSAR Government in May 2018. The EIA Report (EIAO Register No. AEIAR-218/2018) was approved by EPD and the associated Environmental Permit (EP) (EP-558/2018) was issued in October 2018. 

An application for Further Environmental Permits (FEP) were made on 24 December 2019 to demarcate the works between the different parties.  The following FEPs were issued on 17 January 2020 and the EP under EP-558/2018 was surrendered on 5 March 2020. 

§   the double berth jetty at LNG Terminal under the Hong Kong LNG Terminal Limited (HKLTL), joint venture between CAPCO and HK Electric (FEP-01/558/2018/A) ([1]) – construction commenced on 27 November 2020;

§   the subsea gas pipeline for the BPPS and the associated GRS in the BPPS under CAPCO (FEP-03/558/2018/B) ([2]) – construction commenced on 23 September 2020; and

§   the subsea gas pipeline for the LPS and the associated GRS in the LPS under HK Electric (FEP-02/558/2018/A) ([3]) – construction commenced on 13 December 2020.

The location of these components is shown in Figures 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

The construction of the Project was completed on 27 June 2023. 

1.2           Scope of the EM&A Report

This is the Monthly EM&A Report for the Project which summarises the key findings of the EM&A programme during the reporting period from 1 to 27 June 2023 for the construction works for the Project in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual and the requirements of the Further Environmental Permits (FEP-01/558/2018/A, FEP-02/558/2018/A & FEP-03/558/2018/B). 

1.3           Organisation Structure

The organisation structure of the Project is shown in Annex A.  The key personnel and contact details are summarised in Table 1.1 below.

Table 1.1       Contact Information of Key Personnel






(For FEP-01/558/2018/A and FEP-03/558/2018/B)

Senior Manager - Environment

Karen Lui

2678 8282

HK Electric / HKLTL

(For FEP-01/558/2018/A and FEP-02/558/2018/A)

Head of Mechanical Engineering, Projects Division

Norman Chan


3143 3819


Environmental Team (ET)

(ERM-Hong Kong, Limited)

ET Leader


Raymond Chow


2271 3281

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

(Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited)


Lydia Chak

2585 8473


(CNOOC Offshore Oil Engineering Co. Ltd.)

Environmental Manager


H Y Tang


6111 5789


1.4           Summary of Construction Activities

The programme of the construction is shown in Annex B.

As informed by the Contractor, details of the major construction activities undertaken in the reporting period are listed in Table 1.2 below:

Table 1.2       Major Construction Activities Undertaken in the Reporting Period


Land-based Works

Marine-based Works


§   System commissioning

§   Nil


§   Nil

§   Nil


§   System commissioning

§   Nil


The environmental mitigation implementation schedule (EMIS) is presented in Annex C.

1.5           Summary of EM&A Programme Requirements

The status of EM&A Programme for all environmental aspects required under the Updated EM&A Manual are presented in Table 1.3.  The requirements of relevant environmental monitoring, including monitoring parameters, Action and Limit Levels, Event and Action Plan(s), environmental mitigation measures, etc. are presented in Section 2.

Table 1.3       Summary of Status for the EM&A Programme under the Updated EM&A Manual


Relevant FEP(s)


Water Quality

Baseline Monitoring




§   Completed

Efficiency of Silt Curtain System



§   Completed for cage-type silt curtain for dredging operation (under FEP-02/558/2018/A and FEP-03/558/2018/B)

§   Completed for cage-type silt curtain for jetting operation (under FEP-02/558/2018/A and FEP-03/558/2018/B)

§   Completed for floating silt curtain for jetting operation (under FEP-02/558/2018/A and FEP-03/558/2018/B)

Construction Phase Monitoring



§   Completed for FEP-02/558/2018/A and FEP-03/558/2018/B

Post-Construction Monitoring



§   Completed for FEP-02/558/2018/A and FEP-03/558/2018/B

Monitoring for Hydrotesting for the Subsea Gas Pipelines



§   Completed for FEP-02/558/2018/A and FEP-03/558/2018/B

First-year of LNG Terminal Operation


§   To be implemented during LNG Terminal operation

Maintenance Dredging


§   To be implemented during maintenance dredging

Waste Management

Audit of Waste Management Practice




§   On-going


Baseline Monitoring (Vessel-based Line Transect Survey and Passive Acoustic Monitoring)



§   Completed

Construction Phase Monitoring (Vessel-based Line Transect Survey and Passive Acoustic Monitoring)


§   Completed

Post-Construction Monitoring (Vessel-based Line Transect Survey and Passive Acoustic Monitoring)


§   On-going

Marine Mammal Exclusion Zone Monitoring




§   Completed for FEP-01/558/2018/A (marine mammal exclusion zone with 500m radius) and FEP-02/558/2018/A and FEP-03/558/2018/B (marine mammal exclusion zone with 250m radius)

Environmental Site Inspection

Regular Site Inspection




§   Completed

Records of Operating Speeds and Marine Travel Routes for Working Vessels




§   Completed

Environmental Log Book




§   On-going


1.6           Status of Other Statutory Environmental Requirements

The environmental licenses and permits, including further environmental permits, registration as chemical waste producer, construction noise permits, wastewater discharge license, marine dumping permits, etc., which were valid in the reporting period are presented in Annex D.  No non-compliance with environmental statutory requirements was identified.


2.              EM&A Results

The EM&A programme for the Project required environmental monitoring for marine water quality and marine mammals as well as environmental site inspection for air quality, construction noise, water quality, waste management, marine ecology, landscape and visual, and hazard to life impacts. As marine-based construction activities have been completed, the post-construction monitoring for marine water quality was completed on 2 December 2022 and the results were reported in the post-construction water quality monitoring report.  The post-construction monitoring for marine mammals was conducted in this reporting period and the results will be reported in the post-construction marine mammal monitoring reports upon completion of the monitoring.  As presented in Section 1.5, environmental site inspection and audit on waste management practice were conducted, and the findings are presented below. 

2.1           Environmental Site Inspection

Regular environmental site inspection was carried out with the Contractor and Project Proponents to confirm the implementation of appropriate environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures for air quality, construction noise, water quality, waste management, marine ecology, landscape and visual, and hazard to life impacts under the Project.  In the reporting period, environmental site inspection was carried out for the review on the mitigation measures implemented for the double berth jetty under FEP-01/558/2018/A on 7 June 2023.  No construction works were conducted for FEP-02/558/2018/A and FEP-03/558/2018/B during the reporting period and thus environmental site inspection was not undertaken for FEP-02/558/2018/A and FEP-03/558/2018/B in the reporting period.  The Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) attended the environmental site inspection as the IEC audit on 7 June 2023 during the reporting period.  The environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures were implemented properly.  There were no key observations from site inspection and thus no Contractor’s follow-up actions were necessary for the reporting period.  The environmental mitigation implementation schedule (EMIS) is presented in Annex C.

2.2           Waste Management Status

Waste management audit was performed with reference to the Waste Management Checklists for the corresponding Waste Management Plans detailed in Annex E during the regular environmental site inspection carried out in the reporting period.  No non-compliance for Contractor’s waste management practices was identified during the audit.

The quantities of different types of waste generated and dredged marine sediment for the three FEPs are summarised in Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 with reference to the waste flow tables prepared by the Contractor.  No waste was generated under the Project in the reporting period.  Detailed waste flow tables are presented in Annex F.

Table 2.1       Quantities of Waste Generated for FEP-01/558/2018/A

Inert C&D Materials Generated (in ‘000kg)


Total Quantity Generated

Hard Rock and Large Broken Concrete

Reused in the Contract

Reused in other Projects

Disposed as Public Fill

Imported Fill

June 2023







C&D Wastes Generated



(in ‘000kg3)

Paper / Cardboard Packaging

(in ‘000kg3)


(in ‘000kg3)

Chemical Waste

Other (e.g. general refuse)

(in ‘000kg)

(in ‘000kg3)

(in ‘000L)

June 2023








Table 2.2       Quantities of Waste Generated and Dredged Marine Sediment for FEP-02/558/2018/A

Inert C&D Materials Generated (in ‘000kg)


Total Quantity Generated

Hard Rock and Large Broken Concrete

Reused in the Contract

Reused in other Projects

Disposed as Public Fill

Imported Fill

June 2023







C&D Wastes Generated



(in ‘000kg3)

Paper / Cardboard Packaging

(in ‘000kg3)


(in ‘000kg3)

Chemical Waste

Other (e.g. general refuse)

(in ‘000kg)

(in ‘000kg3)

(in ‘000L)

June 2023







Marine Sediment Generated (in ‘000m3)


Total Quantity of Type L Generated

Total Quantity of Type M Generated

Reused in the Contract

Reused in other Projects

Open Sea Disposal

June 2023







Table 2.3       Quantities of Waste Generated and Dredged Marine Sediment for FEP-03/558/2018/B

Inert C&D Materials Generated (in ‘000kg)


Total Quantity Generated

Hard Rock and Large Broken Concrete

Reused in the Contract

Reused in other Projects

Disposed as Public Fill

Imported Fill

June 2023







C&D Wastes Generated



(in ‘000kg3)

Paper / Cardboard Packaging

(in ‘000kg3)


(in ‘000kg3)

Chemical Waste

Other (e.g. general refuse)

(in ‘000kg)

(in ‘000kg3)

(in ‘000L)

June 2023







Marine Sediment Generated (in ‘000m3)


Total Quantity of Type L Generated

Total Quantity of Type M Generated

Reused in the Contract

Reused in other Projects

Open Sea Disposal

June 2023






2.3           Post-Construction Monitoring

As marine-based construction works of the Project were completed, post-construction monitoring for marine water quality and marine mammals were conducted since November 2022.  The post-construction monitoring for marine water quality was completed on 2 December 2022 and the monitoring results were reported in the Post-Construction Water Quality Monitoring Report. The monitoring results for marine mammals would be reported in the Post-Construction Marine Mammal Monitoring Report upon completion of the monitoring in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual.  The schedule for post-construction marine mammal monitoring for the reporting period is provided in Annex H.

2.4           Records of Operating Speeds and Marine Travel Routes of Working Vessels

The operating speeds and marine travel routes of working vessels for construction of the Project within the reporting period were checked and reviewed.  Only 1 working vessel was used for construction of the Jetty under FEP-01/558/2018/A during the reporting period between 1 and 27 June 2023.  All these working vessels were operated at a speed lower than 10 knots when moving within the areas frequented by marine mammals, including the waters near Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park, the waters at the west of Lantau Island and the waters between Soko Islands and Shek Kwu Chau, and followed the relevant marine travel requirements stipulated in the FEPs.  No non-compliance on the operating speeds and marine travel routes of working vessels was identified.  Records of operating speeds and marine travel routes of working vessels for construction of the Project provided by the Contractor are presented in Annex J.

The compliance status on approval conditions given by the Director of Environmental Protection for the entry of working vessels (i.e. anchor handling tugs (AHTs)) within marine parks in pursuant to Condition 3.1 of FEP-01/558/2018/A for anchoring activities for construction of the Jetty, Condition 3.4 of FEP-02/558/2018/A and Condition 3.4 of FEP-03/558/2018/B for anchoring activities for pipelaying and/or post-trenching processes for construction of LPS and BPPS Pipelines, respectively, as appropriate within the reporting period was checked.  No non-compliance on the approval conditions was identified. 

2.5           Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

A summary of the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) is presented in Annex C.  The necessary mitigation measures were implemented properly for the Project.

2.6           Summary of Exceedances of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit

There were no Project-related Action and Limit Level exceedances for marine water quality monitoring for the BPPS Pipeline and LPS Pipeline in the reporting period.

Since construction phase marine mammal monitoring was completed in November 2021, there were no breaches of Action and Limit Levels for marine mammal monitoring in the reporting period.

Cumulative statistics on exceedance is provided in Annex G.

2.7           Summary of Environmental Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

There were no environmental complaints, notification of summons and successful prosecutions recorded in the reporting period.

Statistics on environmental complaints, notification of summons and successful prosecutions are summarised in Annex G.


3.              Forecast for Operation Phase

3.1           Works Programme for Operation Phase

The commencement of operation of the Project is on 3 July 2023.  The potential environmental impacts during operation are mainly associated with seawater and effluent discharges associated with the LNG Terminal operation.  Operation phase water quality monitoring exercise will be carried out for one year at a frequency of once per week.  The tentative schedule for operation phase water quality monitoring for July 2023 is provided in Annex IThe monitoring results will be presented in the water quality monitoring reports for the first year of operation of the LNG Terminal to be prepared every quarter and at the end of the first year of operation of the LNG Terminal.

Post-construction marine mammal monitoring is ongoing and the results will be reported in the post-construction marine mammal monitoring report upon completion of the monitoring.  The tentative schedule for post-construction marine mammal monitoring in July 2023 is provided in Annex I

The ET will keep track on the operation activities to confirm compliance of environmental requirements and the proper implementation of all necessary mitigation measures.


4.              Conclusion and Recommendations

The construction of the Project was completed on 27 June 2023.  This Monthly EM&A Report presents the key findings of the EM&A works during the reporting period from 1 to 27 June 2023 for the construction works for the Project in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual and the requirements of the Further Environmental Permits (FEP-01/558/2018/A, FEP-02/558/2018/A & FEP-03/558/2018/B).

Environmental auditing works, including regular site inspection of construction works conducted by the ET, audit of implementation of Waste Management Plan, and review of the acceptability of operating speeds and marine travel routes of working vessels, checking of compliance with the approval conditions given by EPD for allowing the entry of working vessels within marine parks in pursuant to Condition 3.1 of FEP-01/558/2018/A, Condition 3.4 of FEP-02/558/2018/A and Condition 3.4 of FEP-03/558/2018/B, were conducted in the reporting period, as appropriate. No non-compliance of environmental statutory requirements was identified.

Since construction phase marine water quality monitoring for LPS Pipeline and BPPS Pipeline was completed in October 2022, no breaches of Action and Limit Levels were recorded in the reporting period.

Since construction phase marine mammal monitoring was completed in November 2021, no breaches of Action and Limit Levels were recorded in the reporting period.

There were no environmental complaints, notification of summons and successful prosecutions recorded in the reporting period.

The commencement of operation of the Project is on 3 July 2023.  The ET will keep track on the operation activities to confirm compliance of environmental requirements and the proper implementation of all necessary mitigation measures.


([1])     Application for variation of an environmental permit for FEP-01/558/2018 was undertaken and the latest FEP (FEP-01/558/2018/A) was issued on 6 November 2020. 

([2])     Application for variation of an environmental permit for FEP-03/558/2018/A was undertaken and the latest FEP (FEP-03/558/2018/B) was issued on 25 August 2021. 

([3])     Application for variation of an environmental permit for FEP-02/558/2018 was undertaken and the latest FEP (FEP-02/558/2018/A) was issued on 22 December 2020.